Song Structures Vault "How to"...(FAQ Page)

Hey Jeezy here! I wrote this page to help answer some of the most common questions you have using my Song Structures Vault. If you have anymore questions shoot me a message and let me know.


How to Subscribe


  1. Visit the "sign up" page (or click here) to activate your visual song library subscription.
  2. Click the checkbox to confirm you agree to the Terns & Conditions, and press the subscribe button. You will be redirected to PayPal's secure (https://) server to complete your order with your PayPal account or your credit card.

    If you don't have a PayPal account it guide you through quick & easy setup.
  3. Look for my PayPal Business/Merchant name in the details at checkout to confirm you're subscribing to my library:

    "JMay Business Marketing & Consultation"

  4. After you subscribe, The Song Structures Vault will email your login details to the address you used during signup.


How to retrieve your Subscription ID if you Lose it

No problem! Just send me an email with the address you used to subscribe and I'll look up your subscription ID and reply to you.


How to Search for a Song Structure

You can search for any song in the vault by using the search menu above the list.

Song Structure Vault Search Filter

  1. Simply use the library's drop-down menu at the top of the library (pressing the TOP menu button if you're on a mobile device).
  2. Select any combination options: "genre", "artist", "target emotion", and "song structure". You can select just one option or combine options to find specific examples. You can also use the search bar to enter part of a song's name you're looking for, and if it's in the library it'll appear in the results.
  3. After you select your options, press "search" and the library will (almost instant) filter out all other songs that don't match your choices, leaving only the examples you're looking for. The song structure vault shows how many songs it's found (based on your search) at the bottom-left.


How to Use Song Structure "Visualizer"

You can visualize any of the library's song layouts while watching it's video or listening to it's track.

Visualized Song Structure Screenshot

  1. Click "Load Visualizer" for any track you want to visualize.
  2. Next, in the bottom menu section click "Visualizer" to open the window that loads the library's YouTube file and layout.
  3. Click play to watch or listen to song. Any song loaded into Visualizer will remain until page is reloaded.


How to Email Your Song Selections

You can email your selected song structure examples to any valid address (please DO NOT spam anyone).

  1. Add selections to your list by either clicking on the song's title, album art, or use the checkbox just above the song's title. When you do, the Song Structure Vault will show you how many songs you selected at the bottom-left.
  2. Press "email templates" at the bottom of the song structure vault to open form (pressing the BOTTOM menu button if you're on a mobile device).
  3. Enter a valid address into the box and press "send". Another screen will open confirming your list was sent.
  4. IMPORTANT: You must email your selections before each new search or you'll clear your list once the browser reloads.
  5. You can also clear your selection manually by pressing "clear song selections" from the bottom menu.


How to Add the vault to your Mobile Device

IMPORTANT: Even though The Song Structure Vault is optimized for use on mobile devices I encourage you to use a laptop or desktop computer for the best visualization of song layouts.

  1. Visit this link using your mobile device's browser.
  2. Once you're on the login page, (for android) open your browser's menu settings and look for the option to "Add to Home Screen"...or (for apple) use Safari browser and tap the share button at top of the screen and then tap "Add to Home Screen".
  3. Your device should then give you the option to edit the name. Tap "save".


How to Cancel your Subscription

I'd hate to see you cancel, but I hate it even more when a site makes the cancellation process hard to do. I think that's dishonest. So here are two ways to cancel your subscription to The Song Structure Vault:

Option A: Canceling from your PayPal Account...

  1. Sign into your PayPal account
  2. Find the section in your account called "preapproved payments"

    Cancelling your Song Structure Vault Subscription (paypal)
  3. On the next page should be a list of all of your subscriptions. Find and click into the "Song Structures Vault" subscription, and then click the "cancel" link.
  4. Song Structures Vault will then send you a confirmation email of your cancellation.

You can also look up your subscription using this link.

Option B: Shoot me an message...

Send me an email telling me you'd like to cancel your subscription, along with your login information and I will cancel your subscription on my end. The Song Structures Vault will then send you a confirmation of the cancellation.